NDMTSS Training Participation 2020-21 + Year to Date

NDMTSS Training Participation 2020-21 + Year to Date 2020-2021 NDMTSS Participation With a transition to virtual training due to the pandemic, NDMTSS staff were still able to reach an outstanding 64 school districts and 113 school buildings! These leadership teams did not push this important work to the wayside but instead found a way to schedule the […]

NDMTSS Developing Schoolwide Behavior Expectations (PBIS Year 1) Training is back and better than ever!

NDMTSS Developing Schoolwide Behavior Expectations (PBIS Year 1) Training is back and better than ever! The NDMTSS State Team is excited to announce that we are resuming Developing Schoolwide Behavior Expectations – PBIS Year 1 training and support for our ND schools in 2021-22! This training focuses on establishing clear Tier 1 behavioral expectations within an MTSS/Positive Behavior […]

Behavior Interventions to Support All Tiers – Enhancing FBAs/BIPs

Behavior Interventions to Support All Tiers – Enhancing FBAs/BIPs In a strong multi-tiered system of supports, we are looking to support children at all levels and abilities when it comes to their academic, social, emotional, and behavioral needs. When a students behavior is getting in the way of success in other areas of their education […]

NDMTSS Capacity Building, Evaluation and SPDG Grant Submission

NDMTSS Capacity Building, Evaluation and SPDG Grant Submission NEW Regional Support Liaisons help provide direct support the NDMTSS schools statewide Through the ESSER grant funding contracted through the N.D. Department of Public Instruction (read more about these funds in a post from December 2020) the NDMTSS State Lead Team and Implementation Team have utilized a […]

Prevent-Teach-Reinforce Series completes Booster Sessions and moves into Modeling Observations

Prevent-Teach-Reinforce Series completes Booster Sessions and moves into Modeling Observations FOUNDATIONS In November of 2020 a group of teachers, school psychologists, interventionists, and others attended a two-day Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR) Foundations training – an evidence-based functional behavior Assessment / Behavior Intervention Process for students needing Tier 3 supports. Over these two days, participants learn how to […]

ND SEL Network Member Insights

ND SEL Network Member Insights: Hear from ND SEL Network members on why they joined and what they’ve gained from their membership thus far Q: What was the impetus for your District/Organization to join the ND SEL Network? Fargo Public Schools joined the SEL Network to support the PBIS implementation in the district. Minot Public […]

CASEL Updates Framework, Definition, Competencies, and Theory of Action

CASEL Updates Framework, Definition, Competencies, and Theory of Action CASEL Framework updated to put additional emphasis on how we can all learn to work together to create caring and just schools and communities. In our efforts to keep you up-to-date let’s take a moment to revisit CASEL’s SEL framework(click to visit their site and engage in […]

Impact of Foundations of Reading on Instruction, Intervention & Assessment

Impact of Foundations of Reading on Instruction, Intervention & Assessment The NDMTSS team developed and launched the Foundations of Reading Instruction & Intervention professional learning series in 2020 to provide K-5 educators with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to address a variety of students’ needs in reading. The three-part series pivoted from its original […]

Virtualizing NDMTSS Academic Trainings – Necessity Drives Innovation

Virtualizing NDMTSS Academic Trainings – Necessity Drives Innovation NDMTSS training did not stop this fall but rather needed to shift in their format and delivery and through it all, this innovation has met more needs than originally intended. Through an NDMTSS ESSER grant through the NDDPI, participating schools were able to begin or continue the […]