January ND SEL Network Summit
January ND SEL Network Summit On Tuesday, Jan. 26, ND Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Network members [comprised of 14 K-12 districts (serving 43,000 students collectively), 3 higher education institutions, and a community partner in the ND Afterschool Network] are invited to attend the first of two semi-annual Summits held by the Network each year. This day […]
SEL Learning Series Wrap up and January SEL Network Summit
SEL Learning Series Wrap up and January SEL Network Summit SEL Learning Series Wrap Up In early October, leadership teams from ND school districts an a ND University began their journey implementing systemic social-emotional learning (SEL) with the support of the NDMTSS: Leading Systemic Implementation of SEL learning series. From their initial sessions focused on […]
NDMTSS Receives NDDPI ESSER Grant Funds
NDMTSS Receives NDDPI ESSER Grant Funds In August 2020, the ND Department of Public Instruction contracted with the Central Region Education Association (CREA) an MTSS ESSER grant for $400,000 to support NDMTSS efforts to redesign, enhance, deliver, and effectively evaluate state-wide professional development around academics, behaviors, and SEL, utilizing and enhancing the NDMTSS framework with a focus on how this professional learning can enhance virtual teaching […]
Visualizing and Understanding the NDMTSS Academic Strand.
Visualizing and Understanding the NDMTSS Academic Strand. We know that building an NDMTSS system is not an easy task and that it can and will look different across the state based on district size, communities, etc. BUT we know that through the strands that have been developed we have dedicated team members and highly-qualified consultants […]
Implementing Systemic SEL Course Begins…
Implementing Systemic SEL Course Begins… Implementing Systemic SEL Four teams and 23 total participants took the step to create the conditions for optimizing SEL through the application of the NMDTSS Essential Components and continuous improvement. The 23-course participants represent two K-12 teams, one high school team, and one university team who have chosen to be […]