Self-Assessment of ND MTSS Implementation (SAND)

What is the SAND?

The SAND is an instrument used to evaluate the current state of implementation of MTSS at the school-level. Quality implementation of MTSS is associated with an increased likelihood of instruction and interventions leading to successful student outcomes. Thus, it is important for schools to monitor not only student outcomes, but also how assessments, instruction, interventions, and data-based decision making are put into place (i.e., the fidelity with which these elements are implemented). Successful implementation is influenced by many factors within and around the school system (e.g., professional development, administrative support, data systems, staff member perceptions, successful adaptation, etc.)

SAND Documents

As a measure of school-level implementation of an MTSS, the focus of this instrument is on the necessary actions and activities to successfully implement and sustain the NDMTSS Essential Components with fidelity.

The SAND, composed of 39 items, is broken down into the following six (6) domains:

The SAND process takes approximately three (3) hours to complete, helping schools assess current practices and develop a true understanding of where they are within the MTSS process, using the 39 items.  An action plan is created to help move teams from their current state to desired state.

Completing SAND

SAND can be completed in two (2) ways​:

Regional Education Association (REA) Facilitated SAND

Having an outside perspective come in and facilitate the SAND will help stay on task, be an unbiased voice to draw out more conversation, and ensure each item is being addressed appropriately. Within a timely manner, the school will then receive a SAND Report including guidance and suggestions for further consideration.

School-based Team Facilitated SAND

It is recommended to appoint someone from your staff to be the lead facilitator. Before completing the SAND, watch SAND overview recording, as a team.

Who should participate in the SAND?

It is recommended having the entire MTSS team participate in completing the SAND. School teams should consider other key stakeholders within the building that are critical to the conversation. It is important to have all voices represented such as admin, grade level and specials teachers, counselors, Title I, SPED, etc. To promote a common understanding, staff that complete the SAND instrument are urged to discuss the elements of the SAND and how they relate to the MTSS components of their school’s system for educating all students.

SAND Use Case

As a measure of school-level implementation of an MTSS, the focus of this instrument is on the necessary actions and activities to successfully implement and sustain the NDMTSS Essential Components with fidelity.

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