NDMTSS Trainings

Academic Trainings

Phase 1A: NDMTSS Foundations: System Change & Refinement

During the planning phase, teams focus on building the infrastructure necessary to support MTSS implementation. Activities at this phase include building MTSS team, identifying priorities, establishing a vision for MTSS and others. Professional learning focuses on building staff buy-in and staff capacity to implement the 5 Essential Components: Assessment, Data-Based Decision Making, Multi-Tier Instruction, Infrastructure & Support Mechanisms, Fidelity & Evaluation.

(Adapted from MTSS4Success.org)


Phase 2A: Evaluating Your System

Prerequisite: Developing Academic Pathways

This training, intended for school lead teams, will focus on innovation of the NDMTSS model with emphasis on:

  1. Data collection and disaggregation
  2. Data-driven decision making, and
  3. Problem solving for student, classroom, and systems level.

Monitoring practices will be developed to determine if the system is having a positive impact on student learning with a strong focus on fidelity and outcome data. Opportunities for collaboration and to observe MTSS in action within the cohort will be organized.


Phase 3A: Data Support & Coaching

Prerequisite: Evaluating Your System

The facilitated training days with Wayne Callender and NDMTSS Coaches will assist teams as they look closely at their most current benchmark data to determine the overall effectiveness of their MTSS process. Teams will come away with an enhanced understanding of how to use their data to guide and strengthen their MTSS process to ensure all students succeed.


Behavior Trainings

Phase 1B: Developing Schoolwide Behavior Expectations

Prerequisite: Building Your System

Develop plans for active supervision, problem behavior identification, classroom management, data collection and data systems. Upon completion, schools will have identified gaps in current practice and have an action plan for steps to improve practice in their building.


Phase 2B: Schoolwide Behavior Expectations: Coaching & Refining

Prerequisite: Developing Schoolwide Behavior Expectations

Develop plans for active supervision, problem behavior identification, classroom management, data collection and data systems. Upon completion, schools will have identified gaps in current practice and have an action plan for steps to improve practice in their building.


Phase 3B: Positive Behavior Intervention Supports

Prerequisite: Schoolwide Behavior Expectations: Coaching & Refining

Tier 2 Supports & Check-in/check-out Training. Tier 2 supports build on the lessons provided at Tier 1 and may prevent the need for more intensive interventions. Tier 2 supports are provided to small groups of students with similar needs, offering more time and/or detailed instruction on the core curriculum.


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