Implementing Systemic SEL Course Begins...

Implementing Systemic SEL

Four teams and 23 total participants took the step to create the conditions for optimizing SEL through the application of the NMDTSS Essential Components and continuous improvement.

The 23-course participants represent two K-12 teams, one high school team, and one university team who have chosen to be leaders in their buildings to implement systemic SEL. Initially designed to be a 2-day in-person course, the group is now meeting in four virtual sessions and a coaching call from Oct. 8 – Dec. 8.

The overall theme of Part 1 (Oct 8 + Oct 27) is level setting. On Oct 8th, teams focused on Defining SEL: What it is & what it isn’t. They took a high-level look at the five CASEL SEL competencies (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making) as well as skills that align with each. Finally, participants were introduced to the three assumptions, aligned with the CASEL model, that the ND SEL Leadership team states explicitly when working with SEL:

  1. Social-emotional skills are learned. Therefore, they must be taught.
  2. SEL is for ALL students. Therefore, ALL educators must contribute to the process of acquiring SEL knowledge and skills.
  3. The needs of today’s students and families are complex. Therefore, integration of multiple, yet aligned, strategies, programs, and processes is warranted.

Looking forward, the Oct 27th session will emphasize the five Essential Components of NDMTSS as they relate to the systemic implementation of SEL and introduce the four approaches to SEL along with corresponding ND-generated resources and tools that are designed to assist district and school teams in implementing the 4 approaches.

  1. Explicit skills instruction
  2. Teaching practices to support SEL
  3. Integration into the academic curricula
  4. SEL strategies to enhance climate and culture

In November, teams will engage in in a coaching call to further identify the current state of implementation of each of the 4 approaches as well as identify a Problem of Practice to explore in an attempt to enhance/advance implementation of SEL.

Part 2 (Dec 1 & Dec. 8) will allow teams time to create a plan, in the form of a logic model, to address their problem of practice. 

We look forward to sharing more updates on the progress of this course and its’ participants work on implementing systemic SEL.