Fidelity & Evaluation

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icon of clipboardStudent success in the MTSS model requires fidelity of implementation in the delivery of content and instructional strategies specific to the learning and/or behavioral needs of the student. To ensure fidelity, it is imperative that teachers, administrators, and districts continuously engage in evaluation processes to determine the effectiveness of one’s interventional approaches and systems.


Resources to Measure Fidelity in Instructional and Classroom Levels

The validity of MTSS depends on the effective implementation of the intervention. Intervention fidelity is critical in determining if a student’s progress is traceable to the intervention used in a multi-tiered system. Failure to check the fidelity of the intervention can lead to the potentially erroneous conclusion that the student’s deficiencies are the result of a disabling condition, when in fact the intervention was not implemented with fidelity, for example.

  • Intervention Script Builder from Intervention Central assists in the development of a self-monitoring integrity checklist.
  • RTI Action Network Treatment Integrity Protocols – Dr. Joseph Kovaleski of Indiana University in Pennsylvania has assembled a number of available treatment integrity protocols. These protocols have been developed by a variety of sources (publishers, graduate students, practitioners) and no claim is made for their sufficiency or thoroughness
  • Independent Observer – Instructional leaders may support and strengthen the school culture by conducting classroom walkthroughs. The 5-Minute Observation Form, created by professionals at the University of Oregon can be used to focus on features of reading instruction, noting the teacher’s instructional strengths, and areas to suggest for development.

Resources to Measure Fidelity at the Systems Level

Student success in the MTSS model requires fidelity of implementation in the delivery of content and instructional strategies specific to the learning and/or behavioral needs of the student. To ensure fidelity, it is imperative that teachers, administrators and districts continuously engage in evaluation processes to determine the effectiveness of one’s interventional approaches and systems.

  • Academics 
    • The RTI Needs Checklist is designed to assist school-based educational staff in the self-evaluation of their current level of RTI implementation. The form is divided into 3 strands (Measurement; Curriculum and Instruction; and Problem Solving & School-wide Organization) which are used to assess a school’s level of RTI implementation.
  • Behavior 
    • The Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) are used by teams to evaluate the status of School-wide PBIS supports and to provide a way to assess and identify areas of strength and need for establishing future action plans for sustained implementation.
    • The School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) is designed to assess and evaluate the critical features of school-wide effective behavior support across each academic school year.
  • MTSS 
    • The RTI Essential Components Integrity Rubric and the RTI Essential Components Integrity Worksheet are for use by individuals responsible for monitoring the school-level fidelity of a multi-tiered instructional system (reading/language arts, mathematics, and behavior).
    • RTI Integrity Framework: A Tool for Monitoring and Evaluating RTI Implementation – Dr. Amy Elledge discusses the RTI Essential Components Integrity Rubric and Worksheet. She describes how they can be used to monitor school-level fidelity of RTI and as a self-appraisal evaluation to identify areas to target professional development and resources. The webinar also gives examples from schools and districts that have utilized the tools to measure their fidelity to RTI.

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